Managed Telehealth

Managed Telehealth

Managed Telehealth is the exchange of data between patients at home and their clinicians.

As part of our managed telehealth service, we will collect information about you relating to your health, lifestyle and quality of life. This information helps your Healthcare Professional to monitor your wellbeing and is typically used to support those with long-term conditions. All of this can be completed in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience.

We know that if you can manage your health better, you’re less likely to go into hospital. Our managed telehealth service enables you to do this. Our managed telehealth service allows you to spend more time at home, and it gives you greater independence and peace of mind knowing that your health is being monitored.

Our systems are simple and secure in that all information about you is sent in codes that ensure only those who need to can view/read what is recorded.

Our managed telehealth service is delivered by highly-trained Healthcare Technicians and a support team that is available to offer you advice, expertise and help with any technical problems you may have.