Senior Clinical Adviser, Claire recently completed her Management and Leadership apprenticeship. Claire has shared how her apprenticeship has developed her role at Baywater Healthcare and what advice she would share with any potential future apprentices.
Tell us about your apprenticeship
I have recently completed the Management and Leadership apprenticeship. The course was over 12 months. The course included eight face-to-face study days where we learned about specific management and leadership topics and had an opportunity to practice some of these skills. The rest of the course was self-directed learning and building a portfolio of evidence to submit at the end of the course.
What key skills did you learn during your apprenticeship?
I think the course has helped me better understand my motivations and my team’s. The course has helped me to put this understanding of motivation into practice when managing and leading. All the topics covered helped me develop positively as a manager/leader, and I learned some valuable tools, such as project management tools.
How has your apprenticeship enhanced your role at Baywater Healthcare?
The course has helped me develop as a manager and leader, and I believe this will help me with Baywater Healthcare in the future. I try to put this learning and development into each day and consider tools and theories that can help me when needed.
What was the most challenging of your apprenticeship, and how did you deal with these challenges?
The biggest challenge was definitely time. Workload has remained high throughout the course and finding the time to concentrate on my self-directed learning was a challenge at times. I had to be strict with myself, ensuring I did not cancel any planned study time and I gave the course the time needed to complete
What advice would you give to people considering undertaking an apprenticeship?
If you want to develop further in a specific area, you should go for it. The apprenticeships are a great way of studying, offering face-to-face and self-directed learning time.