National Apprenticeship Week 2024 – Aidan

5th February 2024

Since joining Baywater Healthcare in 2021, Workshop Technician, Aidan has gone from strength to strength within the company and has become a crucial part of our team.


To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2024, Aidan has shared his experience of his Mechanical Engineering apprenticeship and how he has applied the skills he has learned to the workplace.


Tell us about your apprenticeship –


I am studying Level 3 Mechanical Engineering at Coleg Cambria. This apprenticeship contains physical work at the on-site workshop at Baywater Healthcare and written work in the classrooms. During classroom work, we cover various subjects such as health and safety, electrical engineering, and project management. We are given assignments to complete on each subject in order to pass our course. I am currently in the final year of a three-year course.


What made you want to join Baywater Healthcare for your apprenticeship?


My friend Tom worked at Baywater for over six years and did his apprenticeship here. He explained to me how much it helped him in his development as a workshop technician. After he told me all about it, I applied for the job and was lucky enough to be successful. I started college a few months later, and the rest is history.


How have Baywater Healthcare supported you throughout your apprenticeship?


Baywater have shown me incredible support throughout my apprenticeship. They are given monthly progress reports and offer me help whenever needed. I am also given time in my day to complete any outstanding work that I may have left over from the college day.


What skills have you learnt during your apprenticeship?


My time in college has greatly increased my skill set. Almost everything I learn in college can be applied to my work at Baywater Healthcare. A few years ago, I was in a completely different job and never thought I’d be doing something like this for my career, but the skills I learnt during my apprenticeship with Baywater Healthcare have made me a more confident and qualified worker.


What advice would you give to somebody thinking about undertaking an apprenticeship?


I would 100% recommend an apprenticeship to anyone considering it. I was initially doubtful, but the valuable tools you learn throughout are worth it in the long run. The mixture of hands-on experience and written work is a great balance to develop skills that can be used in work and everyday life. The chance to do an apprenticeship doesn’t come around very often, so no matter what age you are or what the course is, it’s always worth giving it a go.