16th November was World COPD Day and Baywater Healthcare took part in this global event, using the day as an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for the British Lung Foundation
The day kicked off by breakfasts being provided for employees for a donation to the British Lung Foundation (BLF) across all of Baywater’s sites. Donations were also taken from staff to enjoy a dress down day, where employees had the option to follow a theme of wearing a hat. This is part of an ongoing effort to support the BLF, including employees taking part in the 2017 London Marathon as part of Team Breathe, funds from the day are going towards their £5,000 target. Lynne and Zena who are both in marathon training said ‘we are very excited to be running for such a worthy cause’ and both enjoyed the opportunity to have ‘met a lovely patient of ours who has COPD, it has really meant a lot to us and given us a really positive feel about running the marathon and also most importantly, what we are doing it for.’
Baywater Healthcare also chose to educate and raise awareness of COPD, staff attended talks by Emma Nicklin, Regional Nurse Advisor, who provided a clinical perspective about COPD as well as also benefitting from the first-hand experience of patient Gloria Roberts. Gloria was treated to flowers by the team as well as a tour where she learned about the processes behind her home oxygen deliveries. Gloria said it was ‘very informing and enlightening, hopefully I was able to pass on some valuable information, everybody has been very kind.’
The day was a success with £200 being raised, Adam Sullivan, Chief Executive said, ‘We support almost 30,000 patients who are living with COPD and understand how it makes basic, daily tasks difficult to carry out. Greater awareness around COPD will result in much ear8lier diagnosis and treatment that will enhance people’s lives. At Baywater Healthcare we are committed to supporting the excellent work carried out by the British Lung Foundation to raise the profile of lung conditions.’